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No Resolutions in 2023

January 04 2023 – Alex Vardaro

No Resolutions in 2023
No Resolutions in 2023

 It's a little naïve to think that any or all of your problems can be resolved by making lists and waiting till January to take any action. If something needs to be resolved and is of importance, then it can't wait for January. 

HOWEVER even knowing this, I still get the urge to use the start of the new year as a blank slate. I also sympathize with people who make resolutions because they are trying hard to change something in their life. A classic example is the January gym rush. We see a rise in gym memberships through January and then a sharp drop off by February. According to the research, only 16% of people are able to keep their new year's resolutions. Why is that? In my opinion, people put too much pressure on themselves. 

We lead busy lives and our generation is under constant bombardment of stimuli. We are constantly distracted and the problems of life keep accumulating. We have priorities and responsibilities and sometimes that nagging issue that needs a "resolution" gets pushed to the side.

I know from experience that nothing is ever really "resolved". When you accomplish one task or defeat a problem, like magic, new ones will appear. (Like the Hydra but more on that in a later blog). This is why instead of thinking of it as a resolution, make improvements. Look at your life, pat yourself on the back and acknowledge everything you accomplished till now. Note how you can improve on those things. If having better fitness is your goal, acknowledge all the progress you've made so far. Be conscious of the things that you need to improve on and set realistic targets. Understand that even when you achieve your targets, new ones will form. You will always be in a battle. And that mindset will relieve some of the stress. 

If you have a new goal, then don't wait till January 1st; start right now. Use the beginning of the new year for self reflection.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Understand and know you'll never be perfect. But you can try to come close. And that is enough. Always have that herculean spirit to drive forward.

Happy new year!