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What's in the name?

June 29 2023 – Alex Vardaro

What's in the name?
What's in the name?
Picture yourself being born thousands of years ago in a violent world where war is constant and nature remains unknown and untamed. 
You show feats of strength that people cannot help but admire.
Your achievements are not due to any supernatural gift, but because you were willing to work harder.
You stand out from your peers because you are willing to do what others won't. 
You become a soldier to defend your land against invaders.
You show yourself to be a formidable warrior. You become adored by your fellow comrades.
They write songs and poems about you. Wherever you go, people cheer your name.
Tales of your life and accomplishments stretch to far away lands.  
People you've never seen talk about you.
Even after you are dead, they tell tales of your victories. 
They start to embellish your story. They make up things to make you seem greater. Your foes were more dangerous. Your feats more incredible. Someone as great as you can only have been fathered by Zeus.
They name cities after you long after you are gone.
You become a god....
Hercules has captured the imagination of people for centuries. With his incredible strength and legendary adventures, he has become an iconic figure in popular culture. But was Hercules a real person or merely a product of ancient myth and folklore? This isn't a blog about archeology but in my opinion Hercules was 100% a real person and I imagine that the story of his real life played out somewhat to how I described above.
The Hercules myth embodies the timeless theme of heroism, showcasing courage, strength, and perseverance in the face of overwhelming challenges. Achieving after having immensely suffered. Hercules' epic quests and battles against formidable foes resonate with our innate desire for triumph over adversity. The character of Hercules represents a fascinating blend of human and divine attributes, making him relatable yet awe-inspiring. His struggle to navigate the complexities of his dual nature speaks to our own internal battles and the pursuit of self-discovery. 
When the time came to choose a name for this company, I knew I wanted it to be Hercules themed even though club and mace swinging is generally associated with traditional Persian and Indian training. But the appeal of Hercules is universal and the fact that his chosen weapon was a wooden club kind of makes it a no brainer. 
I could not think of a better figure to be the mascot of this brand. It was important to choose a symbol that communicates the message that nothing great comes without hard work. This can extend to any goal you have in mind. Whether it's for a job, building a business, or a fitness goal. You are the hero of your story. Be great and maybe one day they'll sing songs about you...